Council on American Islamic Relations, Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Terror Financing, Opposes Mark Green Nomination

Tennessee Star


The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) a named unindicted co-conspirator in the federal 2008 Holy Land Foundation (HLF) trial, the largest terrorism financing prosecution in the U.S., is opposing President Trump’s nomination of Tennessee state Senator Mark Green for Secretary of the Army.

CAIR has joined LGBT advocacy groups like the Human Rights Campaign to work against Green’s confirmation. Both groups are leveling “phobic” claims against Green.

Green, is a West Point graduate and Iraq war veteran who was deployed three times during his term of service. After completing his training in emergency room medicine, he served as a special operations flight surgeon during the 2003 Red Dawn raid that resulted in the capture of Saddam Hussein.  Green monitored Hussein during the 24 hours prior to his extraction. Green received a variety of awards during his years of service.

After leaving the military, he founded Align MD, an emergency room staffing company and the Align MD Foundation which provides health care to underserved populations. The Foundation operates free medical clinics in several cities and organizes medical missions trips to places like Ethiopia and Cambodia.

CAIR was founded by the Islamic Association for Palestine (IAP) which was established to advance the political and financial agenda of HAMAS in the United States. The Holy Land Foundation (HLF) was used to raise funds in furtherance of the group’s goals.

The HLF prosecution resulted in five of the foundation’s officials being convicted for illegally funneling more than $12 million to HAMAS, a U.S. designated foreign terrorist organization.

In 2009, CAIR went to court to try and have their HLF unindicted co-conspirator status removed. However, Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals federal judge Solis ruled that CAIR’s unindicted co-conspirator would stand since the government had “ample evidence” tying CAIR to HAMAS:

[t]he Government has produced ample evidence to establish the associations of CAIR, ISNA and NAIT with HLF [Holy Land Foundation], the Islamic Association for Palestine (“IAP”), and with Hamas

CAIR is no stranger to Tennessee. In 2011 when CAIR’s lawyer held a press conference outside the legislature to falsely claim that the material support anti-terrorism bill being debated that year would make following sharia law a felony.

In 2014, CAIR convinced Knox County Schools director to cancel an after school hours program by a local group that had contracted to use a high school auditorium for a lecture about sharia law and a presentation by a Christian ministry that conducts outreach to Muslims. Within three weeks of being sued by Freedom X in federal court the school district settled the case.

In 2013, the American Center for Outreach, a Tennessee Muslim advocacy group now led by former CAIR-Houston director Paul Galloway, brought CAIR-Michigan director Dawud Walid, to help train high school students in political activism. Walid has been the director of CAIR-Michigan since 2005 so he was there when CAIR was named an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial in 2007.

Walid lectures to students that he believes that FBI agents are waiting to set them up through informants:

you have agent provocateurs and people who are acting as informants that are trying to further their careers, to get out of trouble, to get arrests, try to set people up, and guess the No.1 group of people who are targeted by these FBI agent provocateurs?  Does anyone have a guess?  Muslims.

He has been noted for his anti-Jewish and anti-Israel remarks including a 2012 speech at the Islamic Center of Detroit where he affirmed that those who earned Allah’s wrath are the Jews and those who go astray are the Christians, as reflected in the Al-Fatihah prayed by Muslims multiple times a day.

He has also been recorded saying:

One of the greatest social ills facing America today is Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry.  And if you trace the organizations and the main advocates and activists in Islamophobia in America, you will see that all those organizations are pro-Israeli occupation organizations and activists.

CAIR has tried to boostrap their opposition to Sen. Green’s nomination for Secretary of the Army, but Walid’s tweet from 2013 shows how contrived CAIR’s political alliances really are:



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7 Thoughts to “Council on American Islamic Relations, Unindicted Co-Conspirator in Terror Financing, Opposes Mark Green Nomination”

  1. Fightback

    All these terrorist know is death. Sounds good to me.


    When will we start to fight back?

  3. […] Muslim organization that Suleyman helped launch is now being led by former Houston-CAIR director, Paul Iesa Galloway. Last February, Sarsour spoke at the American Muslims Advisory Council (now renamed the American […]

  4. Alec Rawls

    You had me at “unindicted co-conspirator.” CAIR is actually an arm of the same organization as al Qaeda. Both are Muslim Brotherhood.

  5. Deserttrek

    cair is evil , all who back them or agree with them are evil

  6. Wolf Woman

    Agreed, Kalee.

    Paul Iessa Galloway who used to be head of CAIR in Houston is now in Nashville selling the CAIR snake oil bs of “we’re all the same, Islam is just another One God religion. What CAIR and Iessa Galloway fail to mention is that in Islam, homosexuals are condemned to stoning or death under sharia law. Check it out.

  7. Kalee

    CAIR’s opposition is a positive endorsement for Dr. Green and should send a clear message to all patriotic Americans: If our enemies don’t want him in there, he’s the very one we need to serve as Secretary of the Army.
